There are so many stories, and so many versions of those stories, written and spoken about Jesus Christ.
Our story concerns the Christ consciousness, with Jesus playing the role of saviour, alchemist and teacher.
The gnostics of early christianity practiced the twin flame teaching of Jesus Christ :
The way of Salvation is the way of the body and spirit.
The way of Redemption is the way of the mind and soul.
Both ways involve communion with the Christ consciousness.
earliest icon of Jesus
the right hand displays the sign of the alchemist; the left hand holds the book of life
The way of Redemption is known as the way of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is a form of meditation, using the mind to raise the soul through the grace of Jesus Christ.
It is not surprising that Jesus would teach a meditation technique considering his exposure to the teachings of the Essenes and the wise men of Asia during his many years of exile.
Eastern alchemists of those ancient times held the view that the Soul was placed in the darkest part of the human energy system, located at the base of the spine. The Souls journey from birth is a journey of awakening; from dark dreamstate to enlightened consciousness.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus meditation guides the Soul along this path.
A path of redemption through the grace of the Christ consciousness.
Legend has it that the original Sacred Heart of Jesus meditation teaching was to be found in the library of St. Catharines Monastery, at the foot of Mount Sinai.
It was in St. Catharines library that Constantin von Tischendorf (1815-74 AD) discovered the oldest known copy of the Bible - the Codex Sinaiticus, circa 325 AD.
This very same year, 325 AD, was the year of the Council of Nicea, headed up by another Constantine, the British born Emperor of the Roman Empire.
Attending this very important religious event were assmbled bishops from western and eastern religions. Their aim was to create a one world unifying religion.
The Emperor Constantine oversaw the creation of a counterfeit christianity that evolved into the holy roman church.
Over 300 holy books were burnt following the Council meeting, on the orders of the Emperor of Rome. Many other contradictory holy books and manuscripts were locked away.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus teaching was one such holy text.
And so, this meditation technique belongs to no religion, requires no church,
needs nothing but faith in the Christ consciousness.
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